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Writer's picture640 Meats

Isla Lentz - Why We Are Curbside Only

This picture was taken 7 years ago. But today it represents the reason why I decided to go only curbside at 640 Meats back on March 19th.

Isla our daughter was born with cystic fibrosis a genetic lung disease. Her lungs can grow bacteria easily and therefore lead to infections. We’ve been practicing this social distancing thing ever since we found out over 10 years ago that Isla has CF. I’ve been living in fear of something like this! Something I catch at the “meat store” that’s what Isla calls 640, and possibly bring it home to her, and she gets sick. I’ve not questioned one bit about the decision to go curbside.

I want to thank all our customers for the continued support and patronage and also to my hard working staff.

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